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Subject: | Re: FLASH: OT: WML |
From: | Russell E. Unger |
Date: | Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:18:15 GMT |
Actually, it makes a lot of sense...
You can literally call a bunch of different "sub applications" that perform
various tasks...a la VB--you can view web pages in VB, but what that really
is happens to be a browser embedded within VB.
Does that make sense? It's not detailed, but you can see how you can give
commands to different "options" in Flash, and then call various .swf files or
even .bat files to run other operations.
Very cool!

> Hmmm...it made sense at the time...my brain is a little scattered so I'll
> try to hit this quick...
> think of the flash player as the operating system, ok? And any swfs you
> make as applications unto themselves...just like Photoshop, Illustrator,
> etc....if you increase Flash's ability to perform advanced
> applescripting, then Flash is a perfect platform for handhelds, both in
> it's small file size and scalability...
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Re: Re: RE: FLASH: OT: WML, Grimmwerks
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