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Subject: | Re: FLASH: RE: Flash3, Toy or serious designer tool? |
From: | Brad Merritt |
Date: | Wed, 28 Oct 1998 23:07:22 GMT |
I really think that Flash can be used to do more amazing stuff than it has
been given credit for on this list in the past few days. Saying that the
gradient control is sub average is not true. Perhaps I am niave, but what
other vector program supports more than radial and linear gradients
(besides the brand new Illustrator 8) and have the ability to manipulate
gradients like you can in Flash? Look at what people have done with the
tools. Did you ever see The Secret Garden? That site was amazing.
I think that too many people try to use gradients as graphic element (how
many gradient spheres have you seen lately?) and not using them as an
element of color. Look at the Arcane site where they use gradients to
simulate lighting effects, they did not just throw some gradient in the
background to take up space. I find that the tools in Flash could use
improvement, but also would say that about .5 percent of the Flash sites I
have seen have even used the tools to their full potential. Especially now
with doing gradients to transparent, there is all kinds of great effects.
As far as lighting effects go, I think that people want a shortcut like a
photoshop filter, just study how light reflects on surfaces, it alot easier
than you think. Look at how comic book artists do it (silver surfer for
metal effects, etc) with just solid colors.
I would also like to say that even though I am not the greatest flasher in
the world, I love the program and think it the best thing that has happened
to a designer and animator like myself who is not very technically
oriented. Why is there so much complaining about Flash on here lately.
Blaming poor sites on Flash is about the craziest thing I have ever heard.
Especially this whole "interaction" debate that has been going on. Blame
the designer for a poor design, no the program.
Let's drop this whole thing and get back to helping each other and
producing great work.
Brad Merritt
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Re: FLASH: RE: Flash3, Toy or serious d, David Gary
FLASH: RE: Flash3, Toy or serious desig, Michael Coombs
Re: FLASH: RE: Flash3, Toy or serious d, John Croteau
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