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Subject: | Re: FLASH: Relative links & GetURL: Huge Problem? |
From: | Colin Moock |
Date: | Thu, 29 Oct 1998 18:29:02 GMT |

>Hi Colin,
>> **Description:
>> a) Nearly every type of Mac OS, Processor, and browser version (IE,
>> Netscape) will crash (some always, some occassionally) when a link is
>> clicked in the simple test Flash movie at:
>> "http://www1.iceinc.com/testllink/leveltwo/relativebase.html". Not all
>> machines will crash. Some are fine. Nearly no windows machine will
>> crash predictably. No ActiveX version of Flash will crash on the same
>> movie. The webserver is MS IIS 3.0 running on NT.
>> b) When the exact same movie is viewed from a Unix machine running
>> Netscape Enterprise server, no crashing happens on any machine.
>> **Cause: Possibly the webserver software? Possibly the webserver
>> operating system? (I know, it sounds impossible).
>> **Solution: Host files on Unix and hope. I can't actually isolate the
>> problem here, so I don't have a real solution.
>Colin the page you refer to is not there.
>Since there are literally thousands of MS IIS 3 servers running Flash
>without problems, there is something specificly wrong with your server.
>It is even possible that it is a simple MIME setting problem.
Admittedly, this happened so long ago that it's hard to conjure up the
memories of specifics. At the time, Macromedia verified the behaviour
(resulting, in part, in Jon's post...). As Jon pointed out, for them it
was a LAN issue, so the problem was not normally visible from the
internet. The original post mentioned that the project was an intranet.
While I'm too busy right now to ressurect the test files, I don't
think thousands of servers running Flash on IIS proves there is nothing
wrong. Think that of those thousands, how many are viewed by Mac
browsers? 10%? And of those people, how many actually investigate and
report the problem rather than simply attributing it to the "flakiness
of the internet"? All I can offer is that it was a reproducible error
on two different IIS servers, so it's at least worth checking if the
rare group of events that Jon described is causing it.
(ps. The MIME on that server is definitely set correctly.)
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FLASH: Relative links & GetURL: Huge Pro, Chris Wiggins
Re: FLASH: Relative links & GetURL: Huge, Colin Moock
Re: FLASH: Relative links & GetURL: Huge, John Croteau
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