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Subject: | RE: FLASH: Help me understand... |
From: | Bernardo Antunes |
Date: | Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:29:20 GMT |
It is very normal that will look like slow, because they must be drawn
in the screen for every frame,and if you use transparencies that will be
really slow, but what I dont understand is how does your fla ie 2.6 Meg
that is too big for that movie, even if you have 1000 rain drops on your
If place a sample os your swf for better understanding, do it, maybe I
can help better if I understand the same way!
Bernardo Antunes

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Boyd [kyron

Sent: Sexta-feira, 30 de Outubro de 1998 6:25
To: Flash Mailing List
Subject: FLASH: Help me understand...
Tons of ideas and I am trying to figure out what I can and cannot do.
I decided to try something to help me understand flash's behavior as far
symbols go.
I decided to attempt rain. I am hoping you guys might describe how you
would go about it.
I made a movie clip of one drop, its just a line that moves across the
screen. Would it be better to use a thousand instances of that clip for
every drop? Would it be better to use that clip to make another clip of
number of drops, and then insert that as an instance?
What I ended up with looked ok. But my machine had a devil of a time
running it, SLOW!
The issue I am really wondering about is this. In the case where you
an almost fractal type of animation ... is it better to use one instance
thousand times, or 10 instances 100 times, or 100 instances 10 times?
Hopefully you can see where I am going. Anyway how does each effect
size and playback? Does it effect each the same way? BTW my rain field
a 2.6 megs fla file. I am trying to understand how to weight, machine
horsepower vs. streaming.

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