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Subject: RE: FLASH: Site test [Young Gods]
From: Jason Cartwright
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 09:40:27 GMT

Looks good - nice and quick loading. White text on the left is a little hard
to read

PIII, 265Mb, IE5.5, NN4.7, 1600x1200
Both hooked up to a few of kilostreams in England


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dominique Javet [dominique [dot] javetatmcnet [dot] ch (mailto:dominique [dot] javetatmcnet [dot] ch)]
> Sent: 30 October 2000 07:59
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: FLASH: Site test [Young Gods]
> Hello,
> Can you test and give me your feedback on :
> http://www.younggods.com
> Many thanks in advance, Dominique Javet
> __________________________________________
> Dominique Javet - Webdesign / multimedia
> E-Mail: dominique [dot] javetatmcnet [dot] ch
> __________________________________________
> MCnet
> M&C Management & Communications SA
> Rue St-Pierre 1, CH - 1700 Fribourg
> Tél.: ++41 (0)26 347 20 40, fax: ++41 (0)26 347 20 49
> E-mail: officeatmcnet [dot] ch , http://www.mcnet.ch
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> flashforward2000 and the Flash(tm) Film Festival
> November 27-29, 2000, LONDON, National Film Theatre
> Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
> -Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems and Apple Computer
> -http://www.flashforward2000.com or UK tel. +44 (0870) 751 1526
> Register before November 10 and save £200
> http:// www.flashforward2000.com
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flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and the Flash(tm) Film Festival
November 27-29, 2000, LONDON, National Film Theatre

Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
-Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems and Apple Computer
-http://www.flashforward2000.com or UK tel. +44 (0870) 751 1526
Register before November 10 and save £200
http:// www.flashforward2000.com
To unsubscribe or change your list settings go to
http://www.chinwag.com/flasher or email helpatchinwag [dot] com

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