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Subject: | Was: (FLASH: WOW) - now: (PRICING) |
From: | mbain |
Date: | Thu, 30 Sep 1999 06:55:33 +0100 |
I dont know if this will help, I live in South AFrica, and our prices are very
To give you an idea, a pack of smokes cost R9.20
a Bread R3.40
a half and hour internet access at an internet cafe: R30
erm ....how will I put this into perspective ..............a entry level pc here
costs about R6000 - R7000 (you can buy a car for that price in the states right
?? - lol - if it were $$)
Now that said (trying to indicate how meaningless this figure will be to you) I
am relatively inexperienced, self taught and still learning and I charge R150
per hour, with project averaging about 8 - 10 hours.......roughly R1500 per
project then.
Hope this helps :o)
Michael Bain
"(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer"
IBM Global Services, Tel external: 011 302 7234, Tel ext internal: 11120,
Cel.Phn: 082 926 1856
------> http://www.futuredynamics.co.za/cyberbaby/babym.html
"Noel Nolst Trenite" <Noel [dot] Trenite

Please respond to flasher

To: flasher

cc: (bcc: Michael Bain/South Africa/IBM)
Subject: Re: FLASH: WOW - creative
Amazing site, clever idea with the tennis game as a wait anim, I
wanted to continue playing it even though the loading had finished.
I also have a loop of Stardust on my webpage, even if someone from
the record label would complain, I assume they would tell me to take
it off, and only if I don't then they would take court measures, correct?
Anyone know anything more about what happens when one uses
copyrighted sound loops from music?
There where no replies to the question about the suggested pricing for
Flash and website design, nobody want to give out their pricing? I
myself am not sure if my pricing is correct, so I would also like to
know this.
Date sent: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:18:28 -0600
Subject: Re: FLASH: WOW - creative
From: "sharon almeida" <sharon

To: flasher

Send reply to: flasher

> Hiya
> I agree that this site is AMAZING, but with all this copyright talk, do
> you think the looped Lenny Kravitz is legal?
> ;)
> sharon
> ----------
> >From: mbain

> >To: flasher

> >Subject: FLASH: WOW - creative
> >Date: Wed, Sep 29, 1999, 6:42 AM
> >
> >
> >
> >If I could just be half as creative as this guy .........
> >
> >http://home.mpinet.net/dgarystudios/
> >
> >Amazing .......after looking at all these sites I am starting to dispair
> >.......all mine look so dreadfully boring ...compared to this
> >
> >Michael Bain
> >"(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer"
> >IBM Global Services, Tel external: 011 302 7234, Tel ext internal:
> >11120, Cel.Phn: 082 926 1856 ------>
> >http://www.futuredynamics.co.za/cyberbaby/babym.html
> >
> >
> >
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