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Subject: | RE: FLASH: variable syntax frustration... |
From: | mbain |
Date: | Thu, 30 Sep 1999 06:58:06 +0100 |
I wish someone could explain this "expression" / "string leteral" this to me. I
am not of a programming background and never know when and where and what wth
quotes and types of variables and poop.
This always confuses me and the flash help didnt really clear it up.
examples would be great
Michael Bain
"(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer"
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Please respond to flasher

To: flasher

cc: (bcc: Michael Bain/South Africa/IBM)
Subject: RE: FLASH: variable syntax frustration...
If you are comparing STRING LITERALS (which you are since you are using
quotes) then you have to use the string comparison operators, ne, eq, etc.
If you are using expressions then you can use =, <>, etc.
-= Branden J. Hall
-= Web Developer / Instructor
-= Fig Leaf Software
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