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Subject: UKNM: BT Unmetered access !!
From: Mohammed Raja
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 19:13:35 GMT

The latest (7th Dec'99) on BT unmetered access.

BT have announced that they will be offering unmetered access from (monthly)
£6.99 (off peak weekdays) £14.99 (off peak & weekends) & £34.99 (all day).

The above is only available to BT customers and customers of ISP's signed
upto the BT revenue share scheme. Those using Screaming.net etc. cannot
benefit unless Screaming take up the BT revenue share deal or the user
reverts back to BT as their main telecom provider ! New pricing is subject
to regulatory clearance and if successful the new service could be up and
running from Jan'00 SO THEY SAY....

What say all of you ?

Mohammed Raja
UpMyStreet.com Ltd. "Know your neighbourhood"
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F: 020 7404 4824
M: 07771 650 664
E: mohammedatupmystreet [dot] com
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  RE: UKNM: BT Unmetered access !!, Gerard van Schip

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