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Subject: | UKNM: Fw: Free advertising on PersonnelZone and HR WebWatch |
From: | Stephen_Masters |
Date: | Wed, 8 Dec 1999 17:05:30 GMT |
Is this one of the most appalling pieces of unsolicited email ever seen? Maybe,
maybe not. But in BTB circles, it's depressingly shocking !!
If Sam doesn't post the mail below in its entirety, it came with a list of GIF
images and a JPEG. And an explanation for why they're attached? Nowhere.
Our network sits within a firewall, so I'm spared a barrage of Spam. Is this
shoddiness an exception, or sadly familiar to list members?
Steve Masters
marketing manager
t. 0171 316 9461
f. 0171 316 9840
e. stephen_masters

---------------------- Forwarded by Stephen Masters/VNUBPL/UK on 08/12/99 14:27
"stewartconcept" <stewartconcept

To: stewartconcept

cc: (bcc: Stephen Masters/VNUBPL/UK)
Subject: Fw: Free advertising on PersonnelZone and HR WebWatch
WebWatch - Vital reading in a fast moving world
One of a Kind Internet review and directory for HR and Trai=
95% Surveyed said Personnel Zone is a very useful Internet =
50% admitted this is a very important up-to-minute online r=
36th most popular business web site out 30,000 in UK by UK =
Index -
113,000 Visits in 8 week period by BT Audit - August 99
Win over =A34,800 of publicity this Christmas by adver=
tising on
Web Watch
Just place a directory entry (=A345) or banner ad (=A3295) =
before 16
December and we will include your company in our Christmas draw for fre=
advertising throughout next year on and Web Watch.
If you're not in you can't win!
Interested? Just e-mail Regina

telephone number or ring her on 01372 470195 .
The best advertising tool for reaching HR and Training Man=
that comes with a full scale Internet marketing plan.
Web Watch Ensure you increase your company's exposure acros=
s the
Internet by advertising in Web Watch today.
Sell more of your product and services to our online HR and=
community in the UK's largest organisations.
[Sam says: I've chopped the images to save bandwidth]
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