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Subject: | UKNM: HELP: i/us Flash Forum |
From: | Pradeep Nair |
Date: | Sat, 18 Dec 1999 19:21:36 GMT |
Hi All,
For those of you who haven't been there before, i/us has a forum dedicated
to Macromedia Flash. I am currently the moderator of that forum, but due to
craziness here at work, I just don't have the time to check in all that
often and answer questions these days. So I'm calling on the Flash
community for a li'l help? Basically, I know the sort of Flash expertise
that shows up on this listserv, and I was wondering if any of you (if you
have a spare minute or two) could go check in on the people at i/us and help
The URL for the forum is:
Again, this is only if you have a spare minute. I don't like leaving people
in need...well, in need! :) Since I can't get around there often enough to
help out in any real capacity, I felt the least I could do was make this
TIA to anyone who can help, and even to those of you for whom the thought
even seems appealing. :) 'Tis the season...
Happy Holidays,
-Deep (just a guy)
|Pradeep K. Nair, B.Math |
|Integration New Media, Inc. |

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