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Subject: | UKNM: Warner-EMI |
From: | Sam Michel |
Date: | Mon, 24 Jan 2000 08:00:49 GMT |
Mornin' all,
Any comments on the news that EMI and Warner are in _merger_ talks (should
that be takeover, by Warner, natch, talks?)
It's early for details but it seems like it could speed music distribution
online, but that could be a lot of flannel to bolster share prices, when the
reality of digital distribution on a mass-scale, particularly outside the US
is still some time away.
It also begs the question, how powerful will this make the
AOL/Netscape/Warner/EMI consortium if this 'merger' goes ahead? They'll have
the most awesome content library...wonder what they'll do with it?
Anyone at News Int'l know what Mr. Murdoch thinks of it?!
Toodle Pip
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Re: UKNM: Warner-EMI, Tim Ireland
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