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Subject: | RE: UKNM: Internet Loyalty Schemes |
From: | Marshall, Jeff |
Date: | Wed, 26 Jan 2000 11:58:39 GMT |
Ken Cowley said:
> I think the use of the term 'loyalty' is interesting.
Sadly, I have to support most of your comments Ken. This has always amazed
me as well, even more so when you look at the way the supermarkets actually
use the terrabytes of data collected through their so-called loyalty
schemes. Mining the data warehouse often leads to individual selection of
shoppers to benefit from cross-sell and up-sell campaigns which actually
reward lack of loyalty rather than the reverse. i.e., we might live next
door to each other, have the same demographics profile, and similar shopping
histories. But you might be selected for a voucher offering cheap beer
because you never buy it at the local sainswayco, where i buy it every week,
and therefore deselect myself from the campaign. Loyalty - whoi needs it?
Jeff Marshall
WorldWide Web Services Limited
(a member of VIA Net Works Inc.)
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