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Subject: Re: [uk-netmarketing] Re: Short Email Disclaimers
From: Ashley Pomeroy
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 10:29:15 -0000

>>>>What's wrong with [having a 'click here for disclaimer' link]<<<<

This discussion, bizarrely, popped up on another mailing list I am on. The
problem could be that some people might have access to email, but not the
internet in general - a lot of companies allow their employees to read and
send email, but not surf the net.

That said, a lot of competitions in newspapers have 'For full details send
an SAE', so perhaps you could put your physical address at the bottom of
the disclaimer.

Until somebody goes to court for a disclaimer, it's a muddle.

"In the land of the blind, the blindest man is king"
Ashley Pomeroy - arpatslab [dot] org - http://www.ashleypomeroy.com/

  RE: [uk-netmarketing] Re: Short Email Di, James Cridland

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