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Subject: Re: [uk-netmarketing] RE: The Rules
From: Craig Pickup
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 11:18:05 -0000

James wrote:

>Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it's not _frames_ which are no good, it's
>the software that the visually-impaired browsers use, in this instance.
>Ergo, if their software won't read out "I have found two frames - pagemenu
>and pagecontent", then that's a software issue and not the problem of the
>website author.

Is that not like saying "We won't provide a ramp for wheelchair access
because it is the fault of the wheelchair that it does not climb stairs not
the architect"?

Frames can be used effectively but it does take much more careful design
and planning for it to happen and it usually involves the <noframe> content
to achieve it.

Craig Pickup

Digitrade Ltd
17 Gateway Business Centre
210 Church Road
London, E10 7JQ

Tel: 020 8988 9660 Fax: 020 8988 9661

  RE: [uk-netmarketing] RE: The Rules, Dan Winchester

  [uk-netmarketing] RE: The Rules, lee
  Re: [uk-netmarketing] RE: The Rules, James Cridland

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