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Subject: Re: [uk-netmarketing] Re: Link Popularity
From: John Sullivan
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 09:41:16 -0000

At 11:15 AM 29/01/2001, you wrote:

> > Back in the day when Altavista was at http://digital.altavista.com/ , this
> > was one of the things that made it worth visiting over Lycos, although
> > they seem to have buried it away nowadays.

You can do this easly at av by entering link:www.yoursite.com. You can also
get a list of all the pages on your site they hold with


www.sporadica.co.uk - "...a willful squandering of 'Net resources..." -

  Re: [uk-netmarketing] Link Popularity, Tim Ireland
  Re: [uk-netmarketing] Re: Link Popularit, Ashley Pomeroy

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