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Subject: RE: FLASH: am I pushing flash 4 too far?
From: James Mansfield
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 05:59:55 +0100

Title: RE: FLASH: am I pushing flash 4 too far?

That is a downer with flash. Very hard to sync bg audio with other effects (being sound change ups, animation keyframes) because the speed at which the animation plays is dependant on the viewers processer but the audio will always play at the same speed no matter. Something you just have to think about and plan/design for.

Do not forget to also consider the loading order. If an audio frame loads before an animation keyframe then the audio will play while the animation is still playing. Make sure you have pre-loaders.

-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Wilson [dannywilsonatprimus [dot] com [dot] au (mailto:dannywilsonatprimus [dot] com [dot] au)]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 2:34 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: am I pushing flash 4 too far?

I have a flash movie, with many layers, which seem to really slow it
down in playback. they are the instances of the same object (which
itself is a 3 frame loop). it wasn't a real problem until I started
adding sound.

now despite what the timeline seems to indicate, I either have my sound
finishing too early (i.e. the animation runs slow) or if I set the sound
to stream, it just drop the frames to keep up.

any ideas for making things runs better would be appreciated.

                 <Daniel Wilson>
Photography  :  Photo Illustration  :  Animation


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