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Subject: Re: FLASH: tell target. my head broke
From: John Croteau
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:32:02 +0100

Hi Rob,

> Using ../ in tell target is bad news, full stop, the same way it is in HTML.
Actually, .. other relative Tell Target paths work fine in Flash
without any problems, it is just many people get confused about relative
paths and therefore I suggest they use paths based on the main timeline
using the slash / for their general use. Also if you use a path based on
the main timeline (it starts with a /) then you can use the exact same
syntax any place in the movie.

> What you want to do is address all your target locations from the root,
> which is done by putting a slash before the target... so if something is in
> movie clip A, in level 0, the target would be:
> _level0/B/A/
> If you wanted it to get the main timeline to play, you could just
> use: / as the target.

Coming Soon Flash 4 Web Animation F/X and Design
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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  FLASH: review, Dylan Wood

  RE: FLASH: tell target. my head broke, Cummins, Rob

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