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Subject: FLASH: Preload a Tell Target movie
From: Colleen Appleton
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 13:42:13 +0100

How do I set up a preload movie where all of my movie clips are parked on
the main timetime, but I need the last from each movie clip loaded before
the main movie excecutes?

I know how to set up a start and end frame on a main timeline then preload
that, but not how to make sure each movie is loaded. The movie clips are
separate movies btw. I'm using load movie to put them in a dummy clip on
the main stage.

Main Movie timeline

What do I put in this action in order to load all the movie clips in the
preload "dummy" clip?

Preload Movie Clip
Frames 1 and 2 preloads
frames 3 through 10 are loading movieclips from the same folder as the main
movie is located.
frame 11 labeled "end"

If Frame Is Loaded ("end")
Begin Tell Target ("/main")
Go to and Stop ("Start")
End Tell Target
End Frame Loaded

Thanks in advance.... Colleen

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  Re: FLASH: Flash 5 player is 'sticky' >, Matt Wobensmith

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