kito mann

Kito Mann's JSF2 in Action

Kito Mann covers the key features of JavaServer Faces and walks you through building different aspects of a JSF application. You will also learn how to take advantage of rich JSF component suites such as ICEfaces and RichFaces.

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Date: 13 July 2011
Location: The Skills Matter eXchange, UK

In The Brain of Kito Mann, Polyglot JavaServer Faces

In this session, Kito Mann will look at different techniques for using other languages with JSF. We'll look at built-in Groovy support in Mojarra, using Groovy as a DSL for JSF views with Gracelets, JRuby integration with Spring, and examine writing JSF applications with Scala.

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Date: 13 July 2011
Location: Skills Matter, UK