business & innovation

If 2.0 was surfing, 3.0 is swimming.

The rise of web 2.0 and the sheer volume of user generated content and outlets [Facebook, Youtube etc.] has been leapt upon by 'savvy' marketers looking to surf the wave of interest and opportunity. For many this has been successful, but, like surfing, it has meant skimming the surface of content missing out on the actual context or meaning of the content.

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Are search and location based services going places?

Location and geolocation technologies might sound boring to the novice, but they're fuelling a raft of bold new web and mobile services with a social and locative flavour that are setting media and technology trendwatchers alight with excitement.

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Captcha No More

Since I wrote about my sweary run-in with Captchas - those squiggly things at the bottom of forms that can only easily be read after too much coffee/beer - a week or so ago, I've been paying more attention to this technology.

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IPTV Five-Year Roadmap: Key Issues

By Aleksandra Bosnjak, Lead TMT Analyst
To date, IPTV services have consisted of two types of services: broadcasting a bouquet of TV channels and offering Video on Demand episodes of TV programmes, and more recently feature films, initially as pay per view, and now some telcos are selling titles.

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AdMob Mobile Analytics June 2008 Report


AdMob offers free reports with market level data, providing insight into trends in the mobile ecosystem.

AdMob stores and analyzes data from every ad request, impression, and click and uses this information to optimize ad matching. Every day, we see ad requests from more than 5,000 publishers sites in over 160 countries.

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Chinwag Live on Tour: Social Media ROI

How are we measuring our return on social media engagement? Debate the issues at our E Commerce Expo lunchtime panel session with Nielsen Online, We Are Social, Techlightenment, Wolfstar, Dare and more...

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Date: 28 October 2008
Location: Olympia National Hall, UK

Bath Camp

A Bar Camp in Bath, UK.  For more information visit the event homepage.

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Date: 13 September 2008
Location: Invention Studios, UK

Alt.Net UK Summer Conference

We are pleased to announce that the Alt.Net UK Conference will be returning in September, and that there will be room for more attendees this time! User registration will start from Friday 11th July at 07:00 UK time so the early birds will get the worm!

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Date: 12 September 2008
Location: Conway Hall, UK

London Geek Dinner with Carsonified

It is still a bit far away, but on the 10th of September we invite the team of Carsonified to London GeekDinner and tell us about their many endeavors, ranging from their conferences - including FOWA London which is to be held in October - and their products including their latest little pet project called Matt.

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Date: 10 September 2008
Location: Thai Smile Restaurant, UK

London Geek Girl Dinner 3 Year Anniversary

Girl Geek Dinners have been going now for almost three years! (Officially that would be 3 years on the 16th August 2008) Google are great hosts with the perfect space, so we asked them if they would like to join us in our celebration! Lucky for us they said yes!!!

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Date: 28 August 2008
Location: Google, UK

Digital Mission to NYC - Itinerary

Digital Mission is organised by Chinwag for UK Trade & Investment, enabling digital companies to expand into overseas markets and attract investment outside the UK.

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Bar Camp London5

The hugely popular "un-conference", BarCamp London 5, Londis back and being held in leafy Richmond right by the Thames - hopefully we'll have some great weather! Home to eBay, PayPal, and GumTree the internet marketing and web dev team at eBay will be opening up their offices.

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Date: 27 September 2008
Location: eBay, UK

Mobile Development Fest at Smartphone

Mobile DevFest is a dedicated arena for developers to learn, meet, showcase and share ideas. Incorporated with Smartphone Show, attendees can participate in both events.

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Date: 21 October 2008
Location: Earls Court 2, UK

Crunch immunity for digital biz?

personality.jpgThe Digital Pulse for July has just been published, showing an increase of 1.14% increase over June. That’s right, an increase in market confidence. Only small, but it’s there. The Digital Pulse is Chinwag's barometer of confidence across the digital sector.

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