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Subject: FLASH: Going back to a movie at a specific keyframe.
From: Williams, Marcus
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 11:26:57 +0100

You guys have been great. I appreciate it.
I have one more for ya.

1.swf inside of 1.html loads and plays a pre-loader and animation which ends
with a menu / button array weighting in at 127k. (The stuff the buttons
contain weight 120k)
HTML, Flash and Java Script all make up large parts of every one of my

A 1.html link take the viewer to another page in the _SELF browser. Let's
call the link 2.html (which is made with J.S. and would NOT have the same
effect in Flash)

Using a Flash button on 2.html, how do I access 1.swf / 1.html at a specific
keyframe...let's say frame 112.
This way the movie is already loaded and cached and the viewer goes right
back to the exact spot of the menu without the pre-load / animation.

I am horrible at scripting, please advise....

(example link: http://www.egad.net/marcus.html )

Thank you !!!!!

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