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Subject: Re: FLASH: why IMPORT html into flash?
From: Nelson Rothermel
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 03:11:44 +0100

> but enough day dreaming... CAN IT BE DONE?
> is it even practicle to attempt to build a template to handle existing
> HTML pages and allow a 'load movie = load html' piece of software?
> we have tons of money here!
> anyone want some?

I'm not sure it can be done straight from HTML, but I know you can use
javascript to get stuff to Flash (I don't know javascript so I have no idea
how), so maybe you could use javascript to read an HTML page and send it to
Flash. It probably would take quite a bit of time, but I'm sure someone
else in this list knows how and has the time.

The real reason I'm e-mailing is for the offer you made.. I could take a
couple thousand bucks (of course, you didn't specify that we need to help
you to receive it; but you also didn't say we'd get it) You can make checks
payable to me, and make sure they have funds... =)


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  FLASH: why IMPORT html into flash?, dave matthews

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