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Subject: Re: FLASH: Future of flashers...
From: peter hagerty
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 10:52:24 +0100

At 04:29 PM 5/25/00 -0500, TGunn wrote:
>It'll be the code-heads that build these WYSIWYG-ish code generators you

....and consequently we see very similar uses for eg. actionscript.
The earlier Desk Top Publishing "revolution" gave one man band typographers
and graphic artists a tool that automated, what had previously been lots of
vists to the typesetter and printer. These people had however been trained
in design and real world applications. Consequently high standards of
design/function were quickly achieved when they used a wysiwyg.

Multimedia is however a new medium, with no traditon (which makes it
exciting). The best work I have seen, on CDROM and the web comes from hard
code heads. Their grasp of the logic of this medium allows them to "fly"
with the code while most of us stumble from post to post.

It is very interesting seeing artists in Liverpool, with very diverse
backgrounds (sculpture, sound, animation, painting), doing MA Multimedia
courses. Here the best individual work comes from the students seeking new
approaches to presentation using code (Lingo). Remember also that much of
the history of, for example painting, is about innovation, technique and
rare ability.

A more contemporary comparison with film making, would point in quite
another direction. This is fundamentally a team effort, where you don't
expect the sound recordist to write the script.
Similarly the MA students are also encouraged to work in teams, mirroring
the film making model but also allowing the sharing of skill sets.

This is the nub of the question- individual or team, the approaches are
quite different. An individual with high skill sets in programming and
design may become a great multimedia artist. At the same time whole new
industries and very specific skill sets are in demand by various agencies.

In a commercial context there is no end to "what you need to know". I for
example would love to know how to link a credit card transaction
application to a future Flash movie, but recognise that this is so outside
of my knowledge base that it would be better to hire in an expert skill set.

There is no single model.

:: peterhagerty

:: arklo.com
:: liverpool

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  Re: FLASH: Future of flashers..., Tony Gunn

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