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Subject: Re: AW: FLASH: I'm looking for good Flash examples
From: John Croteau
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 01:07:19 +0100

Hi Al,

> Without bitmaps you can't brand most products or companies very well.
> Therefore most Flash you see on the web is just wizbang that doesn't
> help the company who purchased it.
I totally disagree. This is totally the wrong conclusion. Vectors can be
very effective especially on the Web but there are two reasons that they
aren't implemented correctly. First is low bid and the resulting quality
you get from that. Second is reliance on traditional Artist and
companies where most just haven't got how to use vectors effectively
for the Web. Traditional Ad companies and their designers design for
Magazines and TV and their transistion to the Web using GIFs and JPEGs
is relatively easy. But switching to vectors and integrating that into
Flash is totally foreign to most of the Artists who do most of the
commercial art for larger Ad companies.

> I see a lot of developers shoe horning a companies existing style
> into a vector format that looks cheap to most people.
This is true.

> when we see really cool vector art, but that's because we understand
> how hard it is to do properly.

> Every chance I get I show people my work(and other people's) just to
> get a response from the average joe. Many times I'm
> totally stunned by what they think looks cheap, lousy or
> unprofessional..... and unfortunately what they think looks good,
Almost anything the average Joe is going is see that comes from the Web
is going to look cheap. The average Joe is going to make comparisions
based on TV and magazines and nothing can provide that kind of quality
and still be usable. Only the habits of regular users of the Web can be
used to judge the effectiveness of branding. You don't generally
evaluate how well a TV Ad campaign works based on how people who don't
watch TV think of it.

> However, how well does that help companies brand their image?
> It depends on the company I suppose.
Maybe, but providing the best in the media even though it may not be up
to the standard of their other media creations, in my opinion, can not
only provide strong branding but great customer loyalty.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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FlashTek (Advanced Websites with Flash) http://www.FlashTek.com/
Flash Central(The Universe Starts Here) http://www.FlashCentral.com/
The Flash Tech Resource (Tech Notes) http://www.FlashCentral.com/tech/
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  Re: AW: FLASH: I'm looking for good Flas, Al Rosetti

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