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Subject: Re: [uk-netmarketing] banner ads v PR
From: Jessica Cross
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 11:39:31 -0000

PR companies haven't created a false bubble, but have concentrated on the positive aspects of various businesses. It's the failure of some sites to deliver to their users, that has secured their downfall - it doesn't matter how good the PR is, if the dot.com doesn't have a good business model and practises crap customer service then you can kiss goodbye to the users. Also, PR doesn't in most cases create false bubbles around the reputations of businesses - it drives people to use the sites in the first place and in a lot of cases helps to secure funding from investors. If bubbles are being created it's because some dot.coms promise more than they are capable of. Jess jesster07athotmail [dot] com From: "Tom" <TOMatTUI [dot] CO [dot] UK> Reply-To: "uk-netmarketing" <UK-NETMARKETINGatLISTS [dot] CHINWAG [dot] COM> To: uk-netmarketing from chinwag <UK-NETMARKETINGatLISTS [dot] CHINWAG [dot] COM> Subject: [uk-netmarketing] Re: uk-netmarketing digest: January 30, 2001 Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 10:40:51 -0000 Grow up, people! This is the big, bad, nasty world. If you don't like what the media says about you, then tell them a better story. Er.....Ray, it is largely due to the prowess of PR firms that a false "bubble" around the Internet industries was created in the first place. Imagine what could happen if they get another chance to...erm..."help out". Tom Dussek

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