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Subject: Re: UKNM: The Digital Heroes of Hypocrisy
From: Steve Bowbrick
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 19:17:59 +0000 (GMT)

Actually my post about sinister filters was supposed to be a joke but
judging by the number of e-mails I've had from list members saying "wow.
That's really sneaky. How do they do that!?" I suppose I should have kept
my mouth shut. Sort of serious about the stakeholder bit though. Sam has
created a... sorry... community here and it has a self-image and goals
(shared or otherwise). This is actually a pretty neat illustration of the
dynamics of a commercial online community. Sam just reminded us that he
*owns* this community.

Make a good case study...


At 04:35 PM 11/5/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Thinking about the discussion of the list sponsorship on the tube this
morning, this flashed into my head:
>[Phone rings...]
>Pot: "Hello, is the kettle there?"
>Kettle: "Yup, kettle talking"
>Pot: "You're black."
>Errr, this is a discussion list about marketing isn't it? I'd like to
think of all subscribers as stakeholders in the list and I hope you approve
of the very light sponsorship of the list. I do find it a bit strange that
you'd think sponsorship would affect the editorial stance on the list i.e.
super-minimal. Does this mean when NMA sponsor their chats every Fri, you
expect the guests to tell you how great NMA is, and agree strongly with
everything Mike and the crazy gang at NMA say? Don't think so.
>Sorry if anyone's shocked, although to be honest, I really am surprised
given the industry we all work in. You'll be pleased to hear that the
sponsorship will be ploughed back into development of the list service.
Keep your ears to the ground.
>Toodle Pip
>Chinwag - http://www.chinwag.com

Steve Bowbrick Webmedia Group
0171 292 5545 0468 257 570

http://www.webmedia.com/steve steveatwebmedia [dot] com (mailto:steveatwebmedia [dot] com)

http://www.bowbrick.com - he's very advanced for his age...

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  RE: UKNM: The Digital Heroes of Hypocris, Elizabeth Van Couvering

  UKNM: The Digital Heroes of Hypocrisy, Sam Michel

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