March 2013

“Doing Business in the USA” - A Tale of Two Cities

Doing business in the USA

Doing Business in the USA was a highlight of SXSW Interactive, demystifying what’s involved and letting digital entrepreneurs connect in the grand arena of Austin City Hall.

A welcome from Mayor Leffingwell (@TheLeeTeam - yes, he's on Twitter) started the day, with the Brits thanked for bringing the rain with them.

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Social Media Week Returns to London, 23-27 September 2013 - Get Involved!

The time has come. Social Media Week London is back. This September London will be joined by some awesome cities including Barcelona, Berlin, Bogotá, Los Angeles, Mumbai, São Paulo, Torino and Toronto.

Here are some important milestones ahead for the London event:

  • April 23rd: Event Submission Opens
  • August 2nd: Event Submission Closes
  • August 13th: Attendee Registration Opens

Whether you’re new or old to Social Media Week London, there are many ways to take part: 

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Develop Conference Launches £10k Pitch Competition for Game Developers

Games by Ian D

The Develop in Brighton conference have launched a live pitch competition for game developers to grab £10,000 each to develop a high-impact pitch for their game to help secure a distribution platform and funding.

Launched in partnership with the Wellcome Trust, developers are invited to apply for a spot at the live pitch at the event on Wednesday 10 July 2013. Development funds can be used to develop a game prototype, demo or mood reel.

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Enterprising Fashion Redux - Pioneering UK Fashion Talent [video]


Enterprising Fashion was a one-day event bringing together experienced entrepreneurs, recent startups and individuals eager to join the fashion industry.

The Centre for Fashion Enterprise (CFE) is London’s pioneering business incubator that supports and nurtures emerging fashion design talent.

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SMW REWIND: “Share This” – PR Now & In The Future [video]

Andrew Bruce Smith, co-author of "Share This"

Communicating with markets has never been easier. But those who have the skills to create direct and compelling dialogue are in a tiny minority.

This session takes you on a tour of Share This - the best-selling social media handbook for PR professionals from Chartered Institute of Public Relations, tackling topics including:

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Why Working from Home Doesn’t Work.


Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s Chief Exec’s ban on remote working has caused a huge stir. The debate is far from over with commentators and large corporations publicly slamming the Internet giant for such a cost-ineffective standpoint.

It may be good for the budget but what is the real cost of remote working? I would like to put forward the case for good old fashioned office working.

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chinwag psych 9th may header

Professor Karen Pine is part of Chinwag Psych. She has previewed the event by talking about her project, Do Something Different.

I told a story recently about Mr. West, a teacher whose geography field trips consisted of him telling pupils, “Get as far away from this classroom as you can.”

My friend Jon was one of those pupils. At the age of 12 he and his mates hitchhiked 120 miles to Norwich. Mr West had told the boys to call him and reverse the charges. Yet when the operator announced the caller’s name and location, he refused the call.

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Enterprising Music Redux - Technology vs. Music [video]


Enterprising Music brought together entrepreneurs, start-ups and individuals eager to join the music business.

Where is technology taking us? 4G will bring high-speed broadband to mobile devices, frictionless sharing is already here, but it all good news for the next generation of music entrepreneurs and where are the next big opportunities? Panel discussion and Q&A.

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SMW REWIND: Social CRM - A Practical Look [video]


Hosted at Hub Westminster on Wednesday, 26 September 2012, the SMW session Social CRM- A Practical Look at What it is and How to Get Started, explored the big questions:

  • What it Social CRM? 
  • What are the benefits?
  • What are the barriers? 
  • Is anyone using it? 
  • How do I get started?

Sponsored by NixonMcInnes, the social business and digital innovation consultancy group, the session focused on the realities brands face when thinking about social CRM.

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Start-Up Diaries: It's a Long Way Down to the Top [video]


Pitching is a nightmare. No error, plenty of terror, which is why we’re so impressed with Kate Jackson’s literal elevator pitch for her company, TableCrowd. She explains how it is done.

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